A Review Article: Ethanol - Induced Ulcers And The Potential Therapeutic Role Of Spirulina.

  • Unique Paper ID: 172098
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 1892-1897
  • Abstract:
  • Ethanol-induced gastric ulcers are a common clinical problem, characterized by inflammation, oxidative stress, and mucosal damage. This study aimed to investigate the protective effects of Spirulina, a microalgae-based dietary supplement, against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. Our results showed that Spirulina significantly reduced the severity of gastric ulcers, improved antioxidant defenses, and suppressed inflammatory responses. Specifically, Spirulina treatment decreased the ulcer index, reduced the levels of pro- inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers, and increased the levels of antioxidant enzymes. These findings suggest that Spirulina may be a potential therapeutic agent for preventing and treating ethanol-induced gastric ulcers, and highlight the importance of further research into the clinical applications of Spirulina.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 1892-1897

A Review Article: Ethanol - Induced Ulcers And The Potential Therapeutic Role Of Spirulina.

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