A Comparative Study In The Analysis And Design Of Intz Type Water Tank Using Staad.Pro And Manual Design Approches

  • Unique Paper ID: 172681
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 522-531
  • Abstract:
  • Water is necessary for all living beings to live. In locations where water is scarce, water provision is critical. Water is stored in tanks and later supplied based on demand. These water tanks are built to fulfill the needs of public. These tanks are constructed in number of shapes, sizes and various heights. Water storage is essential for meeting municipal, industrial and emergency demands. This project focuses on the comparative analysis and design of a RCC Intz-type elevated water tank using manual calculations and STAAD.Pro software by applying the Working Stress Method to ensure safety, reliability and compliance with IS codes. Manual design is time-consuming compared to the efficient, precise and faster process offered by STAAD.Pro. Key structural components including beams, columns, bracings, cylindrical walls and conical sections are analyzed under various loads such as dead load, live load and hydrostatic pressure with both methods confirming safety against shear, bending and deflection. STAAD.Pro optimizes structural elements, reduces material usage, facilitates the modeling of complex geometries and load combinations. It also makes the design process more economical especially in terms of steel reinforcement without compromising structural integrity. Overall STAAD.Pro significantly enhances the accuracy, efficiency and reliability of RCC Intz-type water tank design establishing itself as a preferred tool for modern structural engineering applications.

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