Experimental Innovation & Investigation on Mortar Less Interlocking Concrete Block Wall System for Rapid Construction

  • Unique Paper ID: 173140
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 2288-2293
  • Abstract:
  • Traditional masonry remains popular in developing nations like India and has evolved into advanced structural components due to interest from modern societies. To address the slow pace of conventional methods, scientists developed mortar-less interlocking wall systems, offering faster construction with less-skilled labor and cost savings. Interlocking blocks, an advanced version of traditional adobe blocks, gained prominence in Africa during the 20th century. In the 1970s and 1980s, dry-stack concrete blocks emerged, addressing speed, cost, and material efficiency, revolutionizing construction practices worldwide. Mortar-less interlocking masonry enables faster, cheaper, and durable construction but remains underutilized due to low awareness and market presence. To promote its adoption, government agencies and industry investors should implement this system in public housing projects, demonstrating commitment and raising public awareness of its benefits. The study aims to evaluate the efficacy and standards of the mortar-less fast-stacking concrete block wall system in India, exploring its potential for repurposing within the construction sector. It seeks to assess advancements and methodologies in producing mortar-less fast-stacking concrete block wall systems with load-bearing capabilities. Additionally, the study intends to design a system that allows for easy disassembly and reuse at the end of the building's lifecycle

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