Decoding Culture and Society in Jane Austen’s Novels - An Inquisitive Approach

  • Unique Paper ID: 173152
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 2012-2018
  • Abstract:
  • Jane Austen, the celebrated English author, produced only six literary works yet amassed a substantial global readership. Her timeless narratives have been adapted into a significant compilation of films, television programs, and theatrical productions, in addition to being translated into many languages globally. Currently, she maintains significant popularity and is highly regarded as one of the most distinguished literary figures in the history of the English language. This research aims to demonstrate that Austen's work remains a substantial and influential source for adaptation and reinterpretation, in spite of the passage of significant time. Despite the familiarity of the subject matter, directors and writers are innovatively reinterpreting these timeless themes and culture to captivate contemporary audiences. The objective of the research is to study Austen’s style with reference to culture and society. Jane Austen's literary legacy demonstrates remarkable versatility and marketability, similar to superhero franchises, offering a plethora of narratives to explore. Thus, the research concludes that Austen's emphasis on character and personality, especially the culture between her female heroines and their society, aligns closely with both contemporary culture as well as with the norms of the 18th century.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 2012-2018

Decoding Culture and Society in Jane Austen’s Novels - An Inquisitive Approach

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