Addressing Domain Name and Trademark Infringement: Challenges of Cybersquatting in the Digital Age

  • Unique Paper ID: 173664
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 1035-1045
  • Abstract:
  • In the of digital age, public identify the company or a brand by its trademark and domain name particularly in E-commerce as well as hand to hand business. The cybersquatting is one of the prominent forms of domain name and trademark infringement globally. There are many policies in country level and global level such as Indian domain name dispute resolution policy and Uniform domain name resolution policy these help the owners of company to protect their domain name and trademark. Although there is still increase in the cybersquatting through e-commerce and social media. The present deals with Cybersquatting impact economic standards and brand value and reputation, particularly in E-commerce sector and the role of Internet Corporation for Assigned name and number (ICANN) and their Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy in Domain name and trademark infringement. To increase reliance on IT services, regulatory norms and policies need to be developed accordingly Technological development One of the most important aspects is the growing role of domain names important in the e-commerce industry. It also discusses about the legal framework in India and globally in relating to the cybersquatting. The legislation like Information Technology Act,2000, Arbitration Act, 1996, and also the Trademark Act, 1999, these legislations are analysed to make significant research on the study of cybersquatters in the digital age. In this paper the menace of cybersquatting has been analysed and provided the protecting measures for preventing and mitigate the abuse of cybersquatting in digital age. It also been provided the reasons for protection of domain name as a trademark in the legislation. Also, how the ICANN policy frameworks in resolving the dispute of domain name and trademark infringement which resulting in cybersquatting.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 1035-1045

Addressing Domain Name and Trademark Infringement: Challenges of Cybersquatting in the Digital Age

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