Three-Level DC/DC Converter for High Input Voltage to low output voltage Adopting Symmetrical Duty Cycle Control

  • Unique Paper ID: 142528
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 1-8
  • Abstract:
  • The recent growth of battery powered applications and low voltage storage elements are increasing the demand of efficient step-up dc–dc converters. Typical applications are embedded systems, renewable energy systems, fuel cells, mobility applications and uninterrupted power supply (UPS). These applications demand high step-up static gain, high efficiency and reduced weight, volume and cost. Some classical converters with magnetic coupling as fly-back or current-fed push-pull converter can easily achieve high step-up voltage gain. However, the power transformer volume is a problem for the development of a compact converter. The energy of the transformer leakage inductance can produce high voltage stress, increases the switching losses and the electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems, reducing the converter efficiency. Half-bridge three-level (TL) converter is a potential topology in high input voltage applications. It is essentially derived from the neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter, which can reduce the voltage stress of the power switches to only a half of the input voltage, when compared with traditional topologies. The common features of TPTL (three-phase three level) dc/dc are the employment of an NPC inverter configuration and a three-phase transformer; although the voltage stress on switches can be reduced, the numerous power switches result in the higher overall cost and increased control circuit complexity. To simplify the circuit configuration, a novel TPTL converter is proposed in this project, which keeps the advantages of the available TPTL converters including the lower voltage stress, efficient utilization for transformer, and reduced output filter requirement. The proposed concept is verified by using Matlab/Simulink software and the corresponding results are presented.

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