Sam Shephard as an unacknowledged legislator of the American way of life projecting the degradation of social values in the American family system

  • Unique Paper ID: 149801
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 766-769
  • Abstract:
  • This paper examines how has been an actor on the earthly stage even since his first appearance on earth due to the fact that he is assigned by powers temporal and supernatural, the vote of a human being with a special focus on man’s concern of action and his dramatic role in his joys and agonies, suffering and torture, and in the powerful interplay of his strong passions of love, friendship, hatred, cruelty, jealousy and revenge for which Sam Shephard’s work has been chosen because he was considered to be an unacknowledged legislator of the American way of life projecting the degradation of social values in the American family system

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