Design and analysis of Vertical axis wind turbine

  • Unique Paper ID: 152404
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 299-301
  • Abstract:
  • This project is taken up to make use of the maximum wind energy, which is moving out unused and mainly the wind, which we get through the passing of vehicles on the highways. The windmills will be kept on the median for the maximum utilization of the wind, which can be coupled with a series of windmills to increase the efficiency of the electricity, generated and can be utilized for charging electric vehicles and other various purposes. We also aim at minimizing the pollution by avoiding power generation through non-renewable sources of energy hence we considered in identifying and calculating the right dimensions of blades, rotors and hub, materials to be used, positioning of the windmills including height of placement, maximum wind direction in the placement region, minimum wind force required to rotate and other primary needs to get the maximum output. Also, choose the right airfoil design needed and performed Q-blade analysis of the blades to choose the right design of the blade and ensure the safety of the system. An attempt to replace the stock bearings with repulsion magnets which has very less friction and also can accelerate the wind energy captured by the turbines increasing the efficiency of the wind mill.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 299-301

Design and analysis of Vertical axis wind turbine

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