Real-World vs Simulation - A Study Towards the Development of a Phosphate Ion Selective Electrode (P-ISE)

  • Unique Paper ID: 153975
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 39-44
  • Abstract:
  • Phosphorus is a scarce and finite resource on the planet, and its non-gaseous environmental cycle makes access to non-mining means unavailable. At the same time, it is also one of the three most important (N, P, K) phytonutrients. It is added to agricultural soil by applying chemical fertilizer and spraying manure. However, when not completely consumed by crops and plants, it can be mobilized under reduced conditions and enter groundwater and surface water as leachate and / or runoff. To reduce the impact on this issue, research in this area is primarily focused on finding more optimal application rates (manure and chemical fertilizers) and efficient ways to recycle phosphorus. Accurate quantification of phosphate recovery can be achieved by performing a number of real-time, high spatial resolution soil measurements. However, there are currently no commercially available sensors that can measure soil phosphorus in real time on the go. The research described in this white paper is a preliminary attempt to solve this challenge.

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