An Empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices in selected Private Hospitals of Anand District, Gujarat

  • Unique Paper ID: 157859
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 138-143
  • Abstract:
  • India has a vast health care system, but there remain many differences in quality between rural and urban areas as well as between public and private health care. Despite this, India is a popular destination for medical tourists, given the relatively low costs and high quality of its private hospitals. International students in India should expect to rely on private hospitals for advanced medical care. India has a multi-payer universal health care model that is paid for by a combination of public and private health insurance funds along with the element of almost entirely tax-funded public hospitals. India’s healthcare sector is making imposing strides into the hope by rising as one of the prime service sectors. Healthcare in India cover not only areas of providing medical care, but also all aspect of preventive care. It includes the medical care rendered by the public sector and the initiatives taken by the private sector. India, being the second most populous country in the world, has many limitations in reaching out to the entire population especially on healthcare and education. ‘Sub-optimal functioning’ of the public healthcare system is identified as a major impediment in the process of healthcare system development in India. Higher organisational effectiveness, machines, technologies, procedures and systems are no doubt important; but what is more important is the quality of the individuals behind them. This research paper tries to attempts for an empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices in selected Private Hospitals in Anand District of Gujarat.

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