A Comparative Study of Work Patterns and Job Satisfaction among Civil Servants in Haryana

  • Unique Paper ID: 163654
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 2402-2411
  • Abstract:
  • Civil servants, as integral members of the public sector, play a crucial role in the effective functioning of government institutions and the delivery of essential services to the society. The nature of their work often involves navigating complex bureaucratic structures, addressing public needs, and adapting to the ever-evolving demands of governance. Understanding the intricate interplay between working patterns and job satisfaction is essential not only for the well-being of civil servants but also for the overall efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. Job satisfaction, a multidimensional concept reflecting an individual's subjective feelings and attitudes towards their work, is intricately linked to working patterns. For study 175 civil servants which included 97 males and 78 females who were purposively selected from 22 districts of Haryana. Findings indicate that respondents work for more than 8 hours frequently. A majority of the respondents reported that their health and family life suffer because of long working hours. A greater proportion of male respondents expressed satisfaction with the promotion process compared to their female counterparts. A majority of female respondents attributed their dissatisfaction with the promotion process to discrimination based on gender and regional factors.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 2402-2411

A Comparative Study of Work Patterns and Job Satisfaction among Civil Servants in Haryana

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