• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

Building Virtual Realms with Unity: An In-Depth Look at VR Game Development

  • Unique Paper ID: 163683
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1973-1978
  • Abstract:
  • Games are being created, produced, and played in ways that are being revolutionized by virtual reality (VR). In-depth discussion of VR game production with Unity, one of the most widely used game engines for producing immersive VR experiences. The process of creating virtual worlds in Unity is described in depth in this article, along with the creative and technical obstacles encountered and the solutions that were used. The original idea design, the use of Unity's VR-specific tools and assets, and the usage of scripting to build interactive features are important subjects to cover. The study delves into the particular factors that need to be taken into account for VR user interaction, including motion controls, spatial audio, and user interface design. In addition, a case study of a particular VR project is used to contextualize the development process and illustrate the methodical approach that was used to make the virtual world come to life. The results show that Unity offers a feature-rich and flexible VR game creation environment. However, VR game design necessitates a specific focus on user comfort and immersion, among other details. In conclusion, the study offers recommendations for future developments in the industry as well as insights into best practices for developing virtual reality games.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1973-1978

Building Virtual Realms with Unity: An In-Depth Look at VR Game Development

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