Arduino-Based Autonomous Car using IR Sensors

  • Unique Paper ID: 165134
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 541-546
  • Abstract:
  • The project focuses on the development of an autonomous car, using an Arduino Uno board and an array of components including the HC-05 Bluetooth module, L298N motor driver, IR sensor, 2x3.7V batteries, and NEO 6M GPS module. The fundamental objective of this project is to achieve autonomous navigation capabilities a combination of IR sensors for lane and obstacle detection and GPS coordinates for destination-based travel. The integrated software and hardware architecture facilitate automatic and manual modes, with the system capable of transitioning to manual control upon detecting obstacles. Through a designed code structure, the car is equipped to precisely follow specified coordinates to reach predefined destinations and subsequently return to the source. The utilization of IR sensors for lane and obstacle detection, the integration of the GPS module for coordinate-based navigation, and the seamless transition between automatic and manual modes collectively make this project a noteworthy demonstration of autonomous robotic navigation.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 541-546

Arduino-Based Autonomous Car using IR Sensors

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