Implementation of Cross-Lingual Neural Machine Translation for COVID-19 Treatment Using Bahdanau Attention Mechanism

  • Unique Paper ID: 166902
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 2670-2675
  • Abstract:
  • Early on, computers were tasked with the challenge of translating text from one language to another without human intervention. In this paper, we implemented the system which handles spontaneous freeform text-to-text translation. Machine translation in difficult situations with limited data and linguistic resources for Telugu and Hindi languages, as well as the requirement to rapidly build skills for new languages, are among the hurdles. Here our methods for developing a Bahdanau Attention mechanism capable of translating between languages on handheld devices with constrained memory and computational power. We discuss our approach, challenges, and achievements in creating a functional model within these limitations.". Bahdanau attention mechanism is a sophisticated approach that can be applied to various domains, including medical treatment information such as that for COVID-19. We have also implemented a text-to-speech conversion system for the target languages using Tacotron 2 model.

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