Strength and Permeability behavior of Geo-grid Reinforced Pervious Concrete

  • Unique Paper ID: 167116
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 290-296
  • Abstract:
  • Pervious concrete is an environment friendly paving material to reduce surface runoff in urban construction. A small number of studies have looked into geogrids as a possible replacement for steel reinforcement in Portland cement concrete (PCC), particularly in circumstances where employing steel reinforcement might not be appropriate because of constructability and durability constraints. However, pervious concrete is only utilized in parking lots and low-volume traffic routes for current service because of its low flexural strength and susceptibility to cracking due to its high porosity. Its structural limitations, particularly in terms of compressive and flexural strength, have prompted researchers to explore innovative approaches to enhance its mechanical properties. One such approach is the incorporation of geogrid reinforcement within the pervious concrete matrix. This reinforcement mechanism aims to mitigate the inherent weaknesses of pervious concrete, such as low compressive strength and susceptibility to cracking, while preserving its permeable nature. This study investigated the permeability, strength parameters of pervious concrete under compressive loads with different coarse aggregate size (12.5 mm and 20 mm), geogrid position, and geogrid strength (20 kN/m, 30 kN/m and 40 kN/m ) . The value of aggregate-cement ratio and the water-cement ratio was kept constant as 3.2 and 0.35. Pervious concrete's permeability and compressive strength were enhanced, according to test results, when geogrid was positioned appropriately. Moreover, this work suggested a novel assessment technique to differentiate the impact of the concrete mixture and geogrids on the permeability and compressive strength of pervious concrete. While placing the geogrid at different position with different coarse aggregate size, strength parameters of pervious concrete are improved without compromising the permeability.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 290-296

Strength and Permeability behavior of Geo-grid Reinforced Pervious Concrete

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