Decipherment of blood stain on different cleansed fabrics using uv technique

  • Unique Paper ID: 168475
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 1045-1047
  • Abstract:
  • Blood is the fluid connective tissue; it contains blood cells which makes 45 percent and plasma make 55 percent of the blood. It transports the nutrients, wastes, chemicals, and gases in the organism. In forensic science blood is the most common biological fluid found on crime scene. Analysis of different aspects of bloodstains can contribute the significance in various crime cases. Generally, the perpetrator uses the various common cloth pieces to swiped the pool of blood or blood stain in the scene of crime and washed away to hide the clues which can be linked to crime with victim or suspect. Forensic scientist tries to find the best possibility method or technique to detect the latent clues of blood to fix the crime even after washing the used bloody cloth. The use of Ultra-violet light source in bloodstain analysis has focused on dried (whole) blood. Blood or bloodstain detection by UV light could provide valuable information at a crime scene. In this report, the detection of human bloodstain was evaluated using ultraviolet (UV) light at two different wavelengths on 10 different cloth fabric and cleansed conditions. This paper shows the effectiveness of the result that ultraviolet (UV) at 365 nm (UV365) appeared positively and successfully for the detection of cleansed blood stain of differently nature of fabrics. These results shows that UV light may be utilized as a simple, available, non-destructive method for blood stain detection.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 1045-1047

Decipherment of blood stain on different cleansed fabrics using uv technique

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