The Growth Trends of Disability in Rural and Urban Areas in India: A Geographical Analysis

  • Unique Paper ID: 170662
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 1800-1809
  • Abstract:
  • The paper deals with to elaborate analysis of temporal and spatial difference in the disability prevalence of India at the India level and also over all the states and all the districts level. However, the geographically mapping that the prevalence of total disability and hearing disability are significantly analysis at the zone and district wise mentioned. In this study found that the two-third of persons with disabilities (PWDs) belongs to rural areas. However, the percentage of disabled population is more in urban areas and among urban females. Apart from, the absolute number of male with disabilities is much better off the total number of disability females. Further, the 2011 Census new category established i.e., ‘Any-Other’ under the persons with disabilities is very much higher compared to others and persons with movement disability is observed that the maximum proportion of disabilities. The study further revealed that there are geographical disparities in the prevalence of disability across India. In addition, burden of disability is disproportionately concentrated in certain disadvantaged regions and districts. Further, highlighted the district level distribution of persons with disabilities suggests that the PWDs are significantly temporal and spatial difference is very much scattered across every nook and corner in All India level. It is also found that the numbers of persons with disabilities are reported much higher compare to northern states, despite it is also better off on various socio-economic indicators have been higher percentage of disability prevalence. The study clearly suggests the balanced regional development taking cognizance of specific rights and needs of each type of disability. Also, in this paper more recommends for emphasize the social securities and comprehensive disability development policies.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 1800-1809

The Growth Trends of Disability in Rural and Urban Areas in India: A Geographical Analysis

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