• Unique Paper ID: 171178
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 2573-2575
  • Abstract:
  • In this paper discuss about the firmware .more computer are alive with the hardware and software. But this software and hardware are activated by firmware. Without firmware we can not connect hardware and software. Because of it is one layer of the operating system on the top. In embedded system also have the firmware . this is also link or fix between software and hardware devices. In this process are same as the middleware. Because of middleware act or transfer the data from one device to another with the help of middleware. The middleware also have the firmware. Some time middleware act as a firmware. But all middleware is not a firmware. Some middleware are firmware. Because it is interact between the system either software or hardware separately hardware can connect to the software and software connect to the device. All are wit in the help of firmware. Without firmware without connection to other software and other hardware devices. Because we are told guest role of computer or electronic devices to utilize the firmware. The firmware is a more essential to computer or electronic devices to connect all activated by the firmware.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 2573-2575


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