• Unique Paper ID: 172982
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 1554-1556
  • Abstract:
  • In this paper we will discuss about crucial networks. because all type of networks works with seven layers. From physical layer to application layer weather, it is LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORKS), MAN (MATRO POLLUTAIN AREA NETWORKS), WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORKS. If it is wired or wireless are also consisting of seven layers. But in recent world trends. There is no need to the seven layers. Butbut it is extended by INPUT, HIDDEN, OUTPUT. This is also networking process. Why because it is mimic to the human brain. It is inter connection between the nodes or networks.espcialy that is work in the human brain. This also called networks. But it has not layer it has neuron or multi layered networks to process information and learn from the dataset input predict of the output-based input data. Machine learning, Deep learning referred to the neural networks more complexpattern recoginization. No need to as usal TCP/IP-UDP.pattern recoginization . No need to as usal TCP/IP-UDP.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 1554-1556


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