Future Magic SIM

  • Unique Paper ID: 170109
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 3159-3161
  • Abstract:
  • Now each and every mobile have the SIM. Because SIM is Vitol role of the mobile world without sim ,we can not activate the mobile.so it is dead . The SIM is converted each and every generation change its size and its performance. Before mini(physical) SIM, micro SIM, and then nano SIM . Then it is changed as eSIM and iSIM for mobile operation. First of all need WI-FI, Hotspot. Bluetooth…etc because it is based on its situation. These are all based by internet, network soul of communication . that is also called mobile data. If not mobile data (network for mobile) can not access , text, message(e-mail), whatsapp, facebook, Instagram, linkedin…etc…apps(application) can operate by the mobile data.but need mobile data for download the appsand execute the apps. In future no need to the mobile data because we wil use eSIM(embedded SIM) or iSIM (integrated SIM. That is embedded with satellite.like as GPS. This is the Magic SIM Or SIM less mobile and also no need NETWORK in future.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 3159-3161

Future Magic SIM

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