Intelligent Cloud Security: Leveraging AI and ML

  • Unique Paper ID: 172733
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 701-704
  • Abstract:
  • This paper proposes a study to determine the key role of cloud security in today's digital world. The cloud computing is being more and more used for the purpose of data storage and management besides there being some disadvantages can lead to a lowered security level that modern security methods, essential, fail to tackle. This research focuses on how AI/ML can modernize cloud security by automating real-time incident response, predicting vulnerabilities through anomaly detection, and locating potential threats on the network. It particularly looks at how AI/ML algorithms can process huge datasets of logs, network traffic, and user activities to spot perverse patterns and odd behavior so that security may be upheld. The research also discusses the several issues which go along with the AI implementation, such as ethical concerns related to data usage and the bias of algorithms, your privacy rights regarding the handling of the private information being looked over, and the system's demands for computational power to process complex models, especially in areas where resources are limited. The study also shows a practical application of these technologies through the development of a real-time threat detection system. Employment of a combinative Random Forest Classifier with cloud storage part guarantees secure file upload through the concept of scanning for malware and other malicious content, thus ensuring data integrity in cloud environments and preventing the spread of threats. The Random Forest Classifier performance is compared to other machine learning models like Support Vector Machines and Decision Trees based on specific metrics such as accuracy and precision, recall, and F1-score. Thus, the main goal of this study is to validate that AI/ML technology is on the verge of cloud security concept reframing making it possible to use advanced, real-time defense systems as a combat to the exponentially growing cyber security threats.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 701-704

Intelligent Cloud Security: Leveraging AI and ML

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