The Fragmented Self: Exploring Identity in Meena Kandasamy's Exquisite Cadavers

  • Unique Paper ID: 173619
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 3517-3519
  • Abstract:
  • Meena Kandasamy's experimental novel Exquisite Cadavers offers a compelling exploration of fragmented identity in a fractured world. This article argues that the protagonist, Maya, experiences a profound sense of fragmentation due to the intersecting pressures of her mixed-race heritage, the turbulent political climate, and her own personal struggles. By analyzing Maya's interactions and her husband Karim's internal reflections that mirror the novel's fragmented structure, the article demonstrates how trauma, cultural displacement, and societal expectations contribute to Maya's fractured sense of self. Ultimately, the analysis reveals how Exquisite Cadavers challenges conventional notions of identity and how Maya's fragmented identity helps us understand the complexities faced by mixed-race individuals in navigating their inner world and societal pressures. The trauma Maya experienced in childhood impacts her adult self, leading to both resistance and conformity to patriarchal structures. This disruption of narrative coherence results in feelings of fragmentation and disconnection. The novel's fragmented structure also reflects the instability and uncertainty of contemporary society, where political polarization, social inequalities, and technological change make it difficult for individuals to develop a coherent and stable sense of self. As a result, Maya's fragmented self represents a broader search for belonging in a fractured world, with significance as a site of resistance, creativity, and self-discovery.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 3517-3519

The Fragmented Self: Exploring Identity in Meena Kandasamy's Exquisite Cadavers

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