• Unique Paper ID: 153847
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 172-177
  • Abstract:
  • The analyses of valid responses obtained through a questionnaire that was administered to randomly selected respondents revealed that recruitment and selection criteria have significant effect on organizations performance. The more objectives the recruitment and selection criteria, the better the organization performance Better recruitment and selection strategies results in improved organizational outcomes. With reference to this context, the research paper entitled recruitment and selection has been prepared to put a light on recruitment and selection process. The main objective is to identify general practices that Wipro use to recruit and select employees and, to determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect organizational outcomes. By literature review the study emphasizes on the fact that the recruitment and selection process is integrated with other processes such as strategic plan of the company , training and development schemes , compensation rewarding/incentive system , performance appraisal, and lastly , industrial relations. The study also focus its attention to determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect the organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that can help . Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables ,graphs, pie charts, bar diagrams. The main objective of this study is to know the employee recruitment and selection process and relation between them. Descriptive statistical analysis is used to study this paper, structured questionnaire by using likered five-point scale is used to collect the data snow ball technique is used to distribute the questionnaire to know the relation between the employee recruitment and selection.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 172-177


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