E-Commerce and M-Commerce: Global Scenario as a trending perspective-A Study

  • Unique Paper ID: 153969
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 5-8
  • Abstract:
  • The study examines and identifies the impact E-Commerce and M-Commerce and its global trends on international trade.The study has been concentrated on the online shopping and the percentage of sales that haveincreased as a result of the change in business activities through online shopping platforms. As digitalization has increased in India and all over the world, the purchasing capacity of the customers has also increased along with the ease of doing business, which also has improved. An analysis has been made on the impact of increased Internet sources and the resultantincrease in the usage of m- commerce and also the transactional level of the e-commerce industry. The transformation of traditional business activities has been changed to online platforms. This resulted in an increase in the scope of business entities to encompass increased and elaborate business functions and luring customers from around the world through international trade. This success has been associated with the increased use of mobile devices and to the technical applications which have been promoting online businesses primarily and with the help of omni channels and improved logistics for a competitive world. The maintenance of customer friendly interface, easy problem-solving mechanisms and attempts at educating the customers in the perspective of online proforma will enable the business growth to reach a higher range.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 5-8

E-Commerce and M-Commerce: Global Scenario as a trending perspective-A Study

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