A Study on Customer Purchasing Behaviour through Online Buying Towards Smartphone in Post Pandemic with Special Reference to Chennai District.

  • Unique Paper ID: 155534
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 1108-1110
  • Abstract:
  • The world is full of uncertainties .In that the covid 19 Pandemic is a new challenge to all of us. It introduced new challenges for the consumers also. During this Pandemic the day-to-day activities are also affected, it also affected the consumer buying behavior. At the time of lockdown, the consumers are allowed with necessary shops like grocery, vegetables shops, fruit shops, Medical shops. But the availability of Mobile showroom and Smartphone selling outlets are closed. Whereas the students are in need of Smartphone for their online classes. But the mobile selling outlets are not available to the consumers. At this point of time the buying of smartphones is made through online shopping. It played a vital role, so they used an online buying platform for their needs. This reason influenced my research topic based on the study of customer buying behavior towards smartphones in the post pandemic. The research studies about the factors that influence the consumers to buy smartphones online. The samples were collected using a structured questionnaire method and the snowball sampling technique is used. The questionnaire was responded to by 55 respondents and the responses were collected through Google forms and used the statistical tool as percentage analysis and ranking method. The study is whether the consumers buying behavior of smartphones is related with the facilities provided by online buying apps and which brand smartphones are liked by the consumers in Chennai district and also the barriers faced by the consumers while making online buying.

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