Analyzing the Mechanical Properties of Ferrocement with Partial Substitution of Fine Aggregate by Copper Slag

  • Unique Paper ID: 166908
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 2389-2391
  • Abstract:
  • Ferrocement, a versatile composite material comprising a cement-based mortar matrix reinforced with mesh or metal elements, stands out for its exceptional mechanical properties and varied applications in construction. This study delves into exploring the mechanical behavior of ferrocement, focusing specifically on partially replacing its fine aggregate with copper slag, eliminating the conventional metal mesh reinforcement. The primary objective is to assess the impact of incorporating copper slag, an industrial by-product, on the mechanical characteristics of ferrocement. In this research, using optimum percentage of 40 % copper slag replace the fine aggregate in the ferrocement mix. The study meticulously examines the impact of this substitution on crucial mechanical property Modulus of Elasticity. Experimental procedures involve preparing ferrocement samples with diverse copper slag optimum replacement, followed by standardized curing processes and rigorous mechanical testing adhering to recognized standards. The findings sought aim to offer insights into the feasibility of utilizing copper slag as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in ferrocement without relying on a metal mesh for reinforcement. Beyond understanding the mechanical implications, this research aims to evaluate the potential sustainable implications of this alteration in construction practices. Ultimately, the outcomes of this study aspire to provide valuable knowledge for engineers, researchers, and construction professionals, offering innovative and environmentally friendly alternatives in the domain of construction materials.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 2389-2391

Analyzing the Mechanical Properties of Ferrocement with Partial Substitution of Fine Aggregate by Copper Slag

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