The Portrait of the Misery, the Agony and the Pain of the Oppressed People in the Indian society

  • Unique Paper ID: 172497
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 761-766
  • Abstract:
  • Long considered the birthplace of civilization, India is currently plagued by a variety of societal ills. They are so many that the mere thought of them makes one cringe. There were social reformers who battled against these evils, but they were so entrenched that some of them still exist today. India is considered to have had several social problems from its founding. A portion of the population may revolt if the past is discussed, but it is crucial to understand the underlying causes of this prejudice. Caste has been used as the sole justification for this discrimination against and cruel, degrading treatment of a group of people. Caste, commonly referred to as a tribe, serves as the foundation for the classification and exclusion of various demographic groups based on their ancestry not just in India but also in other countries of Asia and Africa. Over 250 million people throughout the world still endure severe kinds of discrimination, including modern-day slavery and segregation, which frequently go unnoticed. Their complete realization of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights is severely hampered by caste. Since everyone in today's culture expects self-respect, Dalit authors have long loved writing autobiographies. Given how much importance they place on the authenticity of their experience, this is not unexpected. This paper portrait the Misery, the Agony and the Pain of the Oppressed People in the Indian society

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 761-766

The Portrait of the Misery, the Agony and the Pain of the Oppressed People in the Indian society

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