Libraries as an Open Knowledge Movement in Indian Higher Education System: History, Consortium, Network and Role

  • Unique Paper ID: 156299
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 272-275
  • Abstract:
  • Various movements of libraries for promoting higher education in the period of information communication technology like library networks, library consortium, library portals, digital collection development, online reference services, digital repositories, online catalogues, and information literacy programs have been described in the paper. A few major key roles played by a library as educator, as space giver, as some personnel, as a knowledge giver and various factors also enlightened through this article. Libraries established by the kings and capitalists functioned like private institutions and the admission was limited. Service to the general public had to wait for the British (Sathikumar, 1993). The Maharaja of Tanjuar started the famous Saraswati Mahal Library in 17th century A.D. It remains a unique institution in its nature of collection and services (Sathikumar 1993, p. 18). Library provides all kind of obligatory tools and supplements for best teaching in classrooms, help in designing online tutorials, and such type of several activities.

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