Issues and Challenges of Agricultural labour in India: Special reference to Chamarajanagara District of Karnataka

  • Unique Paper ID: 161542
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 546-551
  • Abstract:
  • We are aware that near about 53% population of India is engaged in agricultural activities (2011 Census Report). It is increased after Covid 19 but agriculture in India is still at mercy of monsoon. At this juncture, the condition of the farmers and agricultural labourers depend on the moderation of monsoon. In-fact Indian monsoon is gambling with the farmers. If rain comes in such a way that it is washing away the standing crops, otherwise if rain does not come famers are facing drought conditions. If monsoon is good, then crop is good and vice-versa. Agriculture labour is calculated in the category of unorganized sector, so their income is not fixed. Henceforth they are living an insecure and underprivileged life and earning just Rs. 150/day or 170 a day along with full of insecurity. The agricultural labourers are one of the most oppressed and burdened classes in rural ladder. At this point the paper, highpoints the problems of agriculture labour and pointed out some of the suggestions.

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